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Embarrassment Envy Euphoria Excitement
April 9, 2016 10:00 pm - 4:00 am
Come join us for a night of —-
Embarrassment Envy Euphoria Excitement
Pretend you are someone else for a night
Dress up as your favorite whatever (preferably from the 1920s, Victorian, Rococo or Elizabethan era)
You will be filmed
There will be lots of fog
3 lovely hosts (who only speak in riddles) will help guide you to places you dont really need to go
And then you dance for hours. You can’t see anyone and they can’t see you. You keep dancing. Then you step outside because the fog is hurting your eyes and you can’t breathe.
And then you’re like, ” What the hell am I doing here? This is great.” You stay for another 4 hours and pass out in the bathroom. The End
Hostesses will be serving poppy seed muffins around the clock as well as advil for your dancing headaches
Mystery DJ 3am-4am
Cole MGN 1am-3am
Silent Servant 11:30pm-1am
Savage Fantasy 10-11:30pm
+more TBA
$5 Entry
If you arrive in costume $2
Certain amount of proceeds will go to Human Resources
Certain amount of proceeds will go to Bernie