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With(n)essing in Motion Workshop
August 9, 2016 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

With(n)essing in Motion Workshop
Kandis Williams
Josh Johnson
Visual artist Kandis Williams and dancer Josh Johnson (Forsythe company, Sad for No Reason) will guide a group of participants through screenings and movement exercises that will excavate the space between affective moving bodies and documentation. Dance pieces will be constructed around the device as it witnesses and proofs bodies within our collective mind. This workshop will ask participants to engage in exercises and conversations around the camera phone as an extension of the eye and internalizer of the voice. The eye, the body and the document of bodies in space created by our ability to witness our surroundings with this technological extension of the eye will be investigated through movement exercises. In dialogue, we will examine specifically civic and journalistic images of violence. The recent rash of police shootings post Ferguson will be treated as a starting point to look back on these documents and the way they shape the interactions of a multitude of partial subjects, in the hopes that dissecting these videos as strange choreographies will explore how the tensions in the bodies of victim, perpetrator, and witness are framed, aligned and circulated within the distended Cartesian mind of web2.0.
Please bring:
A camera phone w/ internet access and at least 2GB of space
Movement clothes
We ask a $30 suggested donation, please come even if you don’t have it!
Readers of the material viewed will be provided to all participants. Please RSVP by email: kandis.williams@gmail.com
v. wit·nessed, wit·ness·ing, wit·ness·es
1. To see or know by personal experience: witness a robbery; witness the birth of a new nation.
2.a. To provide or serve as evidence of: The child’s laughter witnessed her delight.
b. To consider as an example. Often used in the imperative: Even a widespread species can go extinct.Witness the passenger pigeon.
3. To testify to; bear witness of: The diary witnesses the difficult living conditions of the time.
4. To be the setting or site of: This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.
5. To attest to the legality or authenticity of (a document) by signing one’s name.
1. To furnish or serve as evidence: The fine buildings witness to the town’s prosperity.
2. To testify to one’s religious beliefs: “As they witnessed to their faith they brought others to believe” (Leon Morris)
Webster’s Dictionary
“A left-over of the activity of the scopic drive in the Real, the objet a is cleft from the subject as well as from the Other, and it has no direct representation by image. In the field of vision, such a split objet a is the gaze. It is a remnant of the scopic drive’s trajectory of reaching for objects. It is a leftover of inaccessible “bodily samplings” of my corpo-reality and of the Other. Split from the subject and split from the Other, such a gaze is for Lacan an absence, a libidinal loss.”
-Bracha Ettinger, parallax, 2001, vol. 7, no. 4, 89-114
“As long as the centuries continue to unfold, the number of books will grow continually, and one can predict that a time will come when it will be almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from the direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes.
-Denis Diderot, “Encyclopedie” (1755)
Presented in connection with the performance Affect: Network: Territory (A Performance of Syllogisms in Motion), August 10th and 11th at Human Resources.