Looking at Performance: Guts, Lust and Kinks
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAA screening and discussion of the work of Johanna Went and Michael Turinsky, with Doran George, Johanna Went, Christine Wertheim, and Mark Wheaton. In celebration of X-TRA’s summer issue, a discussion and screening about looking at performance through the work of Johanna Went and Michael Turinsky. Join us for this special program with the artist […]
Samuel R. Delany Book Club: Session I
Pho 87 1019 N Broadway, Los Angeles, CAWould you like to read and discuss the work of polymathic and prolific genius Samuel R. Delany in an informal book club setting? This summer Human Resources Los Angeles is hosting up a free book club. Our first meeting will be at Pho 87 in Chinatown , next door to HRLA gallery. Anyone interested in […]
Tyler Matthew Oyer – Conquest of the Universe or When Queens Collide
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAopening reception July 15, 6-10PM gallery hours Wednesday - Sunday, 12-6PM Conquest of the Universe or When Queens Collide is the premiere feature film by Los Angeles-based artist Tyler Matthew Oyer. Originally a stage production by Charles Ludlam’s Ridiculous Theatrical Company from 1967, Conquest marks the first adaptation of Ludlam’s plays into moving image. The […]
The Prison In Twelve Landscapes
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAPlease join us for a Screening + Pop Up Panel presented by critical resistance: More people are imprisoned in the United States at this moment than in any other time or place in history, yet the prison itself has never felt further away or more out of sight. The Prison in Twelve Landscapes is a […]
Dialectics of Isolation
Dialectics of Isolation Crystal Sepúlveda Angie Jennings Rebeca Hernandez Artemisa Clark In 1980, Ana Mendieta curated Dialectics of Isolation: An Exhibition of Third World Women Artists of the United States at New York’s A.I.R. Gallery. The catalogue’s introduction describes the show as pointing “not necessarily to the injustice or incapacity of a society that has […]
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAEMOtional stand-up by, MICAHjames songs by SARAHgail TYLERholmes EDDINGTONagain hosted along with a recital by, BDH Heehee haha boohoo giggle giggle gaggle gaggle LOL OH LORD WHY US WHY US GD OMFG LMFAO OOOOO00000ooooh WEE Oh Me! Ha! HA! Bwahahaha... We laugh to keep from cryin and we cryin cause we can't keep from dyin […]
Dog Star 13: Tail of the Dog
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAGeorge Brecht: water: coming from, staying, going to Ulrich Krieger: Connect Daniel Corral: DISLIKE performed by: The Dog Star Orchestra This event is part of the Dog Start 13 annual festival of experimental music, which runs from June 3-17th 2017. For details on other events in this year's festival, please visit: www.dogstarorchestra.com
White and Wrong
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAOver the past few years, I've written short essays in response to artworks produced by white artists, works exhibited and distributed through major art-world projects (the LA Art Book Fair, the Whitney Biennial, and the Walker's sculpture garden). Each of these artworks were meant, by the artists, to be, in some way, "about racism." Here, […]
Nick Malkin, SheKhan, Julius Smack, Corey Fogel
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CACorey Fogel ::: http://coreyfogel.com/ Julilus Smack :::::::::: http://www.juliussmack.com/ SheKhan :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://shekhan.bandcamp.com/ Nick Malkin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://nickmalkin.bandcamp.com/ performances will take place in EJ Hill's exhibition "A Subsequent Offering"
Steve Roden, Yann Novak + Special Guest
VOLUME partners with LINE and Dragon’s Eye Recordings to celebrate the release of Steve Roden’s new double LP ‘small songs for kack jirby’. The evening will feature sound performances by Steve Roden, Yann Novak and a very special international guest. The artists will perform alongside EJ Hill’s installation ‘A Subsequent Offering’. Yann Novak is an […]
Subsequent Performances
An eclectic night of performances from AirChina Maria Maea Bitter Party Elliot Reed Laub Performances will take place, on EJ Hill's A Subsequent Offering. Monetary donations for the artist will be excepted, but are not required
Performing “Deep Listening Chorus” by Pauline Oliveros
We are gathering at Human Resources to perform this piece for relaxing and energizing our community. This can also be performed remotely by anyone, anywhere, at the same time: Deep Listening Chorus: A form to activate community creative sound making By Pauline Oliveros 1. Lying on the floor, heads or feet toward center and touching, […]
FUPU Reparations Tour Fundraiser Birthday Celebration
A Subsequent Offering: EJ Hill
A Subsequent Offering , 2017. Human Resources, Los Angeles. Courtesy the artist and Commonwealth & Council photo: Michael Piña A Subsequent Offering: EJ Hill Human Resources, Los Angeles Exhibition: June 3 - June 18, 2017 Exhibition will be open Thursday - Sunday, 12-6pm EJ Hill in conversation with Amanda Hunt, Director of Education and Public […]
Ritual for Mutual Black Care: Melanie Griffin
SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2017 7pm – 9pm ** Ritual for Mutual Black Care Melanie Griffin presented by at land’s edge Black people expend precious physical, emotional and psychic energy responding to racial injustice and fighting that injustice in ways that serve all of humanity. So often these responses drain us and impact our mental, physical, […]
Accidents of Birth: seren sensei
SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2017 4pm – 5:30pm Accidents of Birth seren sensei presented by at land’s edge We are not all the same, due to what I call “accidents of birth” that more often than not involve race, gender, class, able-bodiedness, and sexual orientation. We would be exploring this theme through a writing workshop wherein […]
Divine Creators!!! : Intro to Divination Practices for Creatives
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2017 7pm – 9pm * Divine Creators!!! : Intro to Divination Practices for Creatives Edgar Fabián Frías presented by at land’s edge Divine Creators!!! : Intro to Divination Practices for Creatives is an ad-hoc, site-specific, and adaptive workshop meant to help support the initiation, development, and flourishing of ancestral divination techniques within […]
Wendy Red Star: What does intergenerational collaboration look like?
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2017 1pm – 2pm What does intergenerational collaboration look like? Forging Pathways for Future Apsáalooke Feminists Wendy Red Star a skype/virtual lecture presented by Decolonize LA As a mother / daughter artist collaborative duo working in the realm of Native history, identity politics, cultural subversion, and reclamation, Wendy Red Star and her […]
Elisa Harkins: Adoption, Electronic Music, and Enrollment
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2017 11am – 12pm Adoption, Electronic Music, and Enrollment. Elisa Harkins a skype/virtual lecture presented by Decolonize LA Artist and Composer Elisa Harkins will be showing her work, which examines the politics of the 1990 Indian Arts and Crafts Act, enrollment and adoption, as well as sharing some of her music with […]
on the other / side reception
FRIDAY, MAY 26TH, 2017 7pm – 10 pm on the other / side Reception hosted by at land’s edge 2017 Fellows Light refreshments will be served. at land’s edge, an autonomous ontological platform for creatives to co-learn, presents its culminating reception. This exhibit, “on the other / side,” showcases works by the twelve 2017 at […]
Everything I Say Is True: Suzanne Kite
WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 2017 7:30pm – 8:30pm Everything I Say Is True Suzanne Kite a live sound/video performance presented by Decolonize LA Everything I Say Is True is a lecture performance by Southern California-based, Oglala Lakota artist Kite. In the lecture Kite constructs a complex narrative through the use of her own family’s ephemera and […]
On The Other Side: 2017 at land’s edge fellows
at land’s edge, in conjunction with Decolonize LA and Human Resources Los Angeles, proudly presents, “on the other / side.” This week-long, culminating exhibition showcases the projects of the 2017 at land’s edge fellowship cohort, exploring issues of race, disability, resistance, history, power, violence, survival, and healing. Wednesday, May 24th – Sunday, May 28th Gallery […]
Yes Femmes 4 Lez Gulls
Readings and screenings by: Megan Auster-Rosen Muriel Leung Adrienne Walser Vanessa Angélica Villarreal YES FEMMES is a reading series and online experiment that publishes writing and digital projects working toward a femme aesthetic. We’re interested in writing that explores the limits of the body,that’s campy or fannish, that engages with witchcraft or the occult, that […]
Project Q – ‘We Don’t Have Mothers Day’
ProjectQ is using hair as a form of social justice. This is the second 'We Don't Have Mothers Day' where we introduce the 'Didn't your mother teach you' program. Starting with poetry and creating choreography, and transforming the movement into comic books. 'Didn't your mother Teach you' is focusing on the expression of self care […]
LESBIAN GULLS, DEAD ZONES, SWEAT AND T. Opening Reception: Thursday May 5th, 7-10pm Exhibition Dates: May 5-21, 2017 Exhibition hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12-6pm *Gallery will be closed on Sunday, May 14th Free and open to the public. An exhibition of new work by Los Angeles based collaborators Candice Lin and Patrick Staff. LESBIAN GULLS, […]
The Experimental Music Yearbook Presents: Carolyn Chen and Happy Valley Band
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAThe Experimental Music Yearbook’s 2016 issue is celebrated with a performance of Carolyn Chen’s Signs of Struggle as well as a special Los Angeles appearance by David Kant’s Happy Valley Band. Carolyn Chen "SIgns of Struggle" (2016) photo credit: Daniel Pufe Carolyn Chen’s Signs of Struggle is a piece for people listening and reacting to […]
Antiphony, Otherwise: Friday Joy Night Service
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAAntiphony, Otherwise: Friday Joy Night Service 7:00pm, April 28, 2017 (FREE) TICKETS “Antiphony, Otherwise: Friday Joy Night Service” is a sound art event that brings together musicians, singers, foodies and audiences to intentionally consider the role of the senses in Black religious practice and sacred traditions. To do so, “Antiphony, Otherwise” utilizes the Hammond organ […]
Keith Fullerton Whitman / Sean McCann / Jessika Kenney
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAlive in concert: KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN SEAN McCANN JESSIKA KENNEY doors at 8 / sound at 9 $12 at the door advance tickets also available as a convenience for $10 plus fees: http://tiny.cc/KFWatHRtix KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN Through more than two decades, Keith Fullerton Whitman has continuously explored and celebrated the technologies and many facets of […]
Having Left: Intersectional Perspectives on Migration
Having Left: Intersectional Perspectives on Migration Human Resources, Los Angeles Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7:00–9:00pm Transnational and intersectional perspectives on feminism encompass questions that challenge postcolonial frameworks and scrutinize the destruction carried out by Western imperialism. Several artists from the Asian diaspora will present work exploring global migration, labor, and gender identity. Christine Dianne Guiyangco […]
Sing Stitch Resist
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CABlending techniques of a sing-along, sit-in, and sewing circle, artist and activist Emily Lacy invites the public to give voice to sonic resistance in challenging times. At this gathering, the rich legacy of politically active music in America is both enacted and added to, by mixing traditional protest songs from the past with new songs […]
Indecent Exposure
Indecent Exposure April 12-23, 2017 opening reception 4/12 Gallery Hours: Daily 8pm-midnight “Sex is a gift we are given, and we should all just have fun with that.” -Margie Schnibbe (as Vena Virago) in I Had Sex with a Gigolo on Reality TV (2015) Indecent Exposure is a retrospective of Margie Schnibbe’s sexually explicit videos […]
$3.33 – “DRAFT” Tape Release Feat. Album-Length Screening of Original Film by Miko Revereza
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA$3.33 Tape Release of "DRAFT" on Leaving Records
Featuring an album-length screening of an original film by Miko Revereza
+ Drinks and Snacks by Chef Jazzy
UNTAMED On March 31st Human Resources LA presents the work of five female artists working in the mediums of dance, performance, visual projections and film. The evening will feature three dance films by Olivia Mia Orozco, Andrea Ordaz and Rebeca Hernandez and performances presented by choreographers Andrea Ordaz, Livya Howard-Yashar, Zoe Rappaport, and Olivia Mia […]
Fidelity of Nothing
Opening reception: Wednesday, March 29, 8 - 10pm Gallery Hours: Thursday March 30th 12pm - 6pm Fidelity of Nothing is a group exhibition of video installation and sculptures by Lily Yu, Jamie Kim, Michelle Lee. IDLE was shot on 16mm b/w reversal with Arri ex. Hand processed through traditional negative processing and reversal processing. Tinted […]
34,000 Pillows Workshop
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CASince 2007, US Congress mandated that Immigration & Customs Enforcement maintain a quota of 34,000 detained immigrants per day in its 250 facilities around the country. As part of the exhibition MAKING PLANS taking place at Human Resources LA (March 18 - March 26), artist duo Díaz Lewis will be holding 34,000 Pillows Workshop. Participants […]
Making Plans
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAOpening reception: March 18, 7-10pm Gallery hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12-6pm MAKING PLANS brings together a coalition of artists engaging with issues of labor, access, invisibility, and power through various actions. In the introduction to Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do (1974), a transcription […]
Inside You Is Me – Jaqueline Gordon
A dynamic sculpture with moveable walls, multichannel sound pieces, and a staged performance SATURDAY EVENING, featuring FAY and Jon Mandabach. http://jacquelinegordon.net/ HOURS: Saturday Night: 6:00 - 8:00 Visiting Hours 8:00 - Jon Mandabach 9:00 - FAY Sunday: 11:00 - 5:00 Visiting Hours FAY: FAY will be premiering her new record "Deal" (release date: February 24, […]
Monster Romp Live!
Chess is widely regarded as an intellectual game, and often used as inspiration in cerebral artworks. This is checkers. Monster Romp originated as a short film featuring a game of checkers. Monster Romp Live!, a performance in three acts, is an extension of that film. The first is a satire of fascist militaristic displays of […]
Los Angeles Council District 1 Candidates Forum and Election Info-Session
Los Angeles Council District 1 Candidates Forum and Election Info-Session Confirmed Candidates: Joe Bray-Ali, Giovany Hernandez, Jesse Rosas and Luca Barton (write-in candidate) Also featuring social justice, environmental and political action organizations including: the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Los Angeles Community Action Network, LA Poverty Department, Decolonize LA, Artist Political […]
Sirrah’s Dream
The first episode in a new performance series by Rachel Mason called "The Moving Mountain" weaves together fiction and true life stories. Sirrah, the largest and most powerful star in the Andromeda constellation recently detected that half of the world has been obliterated. Sirrah attempts to comprehend the destruction of an impossibly distant but beloved […]
Ich Sehe Das Licht: Kembra Pfahler and The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black in film, video and performance
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAKembra Pfahler and the girls of Karen Black present a performative screening featuring cinematic arcana, voluptuous horrors and a Q&A confessional. Through her ongoing project, The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, Kembra Pfahler has been performing since the early 1990s in museums, galleries and clubs the world over. Assembling an unprecedented program of film, video […]
SnatchPower Presents: FIGHT in HEELS
#SNATCHPOWER (the afrofuturistic women's liberation artist collective) that brought you: FETISH WONDERLAND, ELECTRIC LADYLAND, AFROGOTH, SNATCHKAOS, & RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE proudly presents their premiere film in association with Really Not Radio: FIGHT IN HEELS. "Snatch" The only ones who heard the call were the ones it was meant for...this sci-fi tale focuses on the newest […]
Yann Novak: Repose
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAOpening Reception: February 10, 7 – 10pm Closing Performances: Rebecca Bruno, Sarah Rara, & Geneva Skeen, February 18, 8 – 10pm Gallery Hours: February 11 – 12 & February 15 – 18, noon – 5pm Curated by Suzy Halajian Repose is a solo exhibition of new work by Yann Novak that explores how context changes […]
Breaking up with Amerikkka
Whether surprised by the results or not, the complete and utter shittiness of the 2016 presidential elections has made one thing clear: for many, if not most, of us, America is the worst boyfriend ever. We're tired of explaining why something hurt us only to be told we're imagining it. We're tired of insufficient apologies […]
Statues And Attitudes
STATUES AND ATTITUDES An imagined feminist vision Jade Gordon and Megan Whitmarsh with guests FRI FEB 3 - Opening Event 7pm-10pm SAT/SUN FEB 4/5 - Exhibition Open to the public 1pm-8pm plus WORKSHOPS, SCREENINGS, and PERFORMANCES (see below for details) Open during all exhibition hours: A Wider Net, reading room curated by F.L.O.W. (Feminist Library […]
Written and Bitten: Ulysses Jenkins and the Non-Ontology of Blackness
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAA screening and conversation with Aria Dean, Erin Christovale, and Ulysses Jenkins.
Corey Fogel, Dicky Bahto, and Tashi Wada
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAHuman Resources hosts a new performance by artists Corey Fogel, Dicky Bahto, and Tashi Wada. The hour-long structured improvisation will feature generative imagery on multiple slide projectors, pitched metal percussion, keyboard, bagpipe, electronics, and sirens.
Final Fantasy Art Show
It's not the end that matters! It's knowing that you have something to live for right now, at this moment! Something you've worked for... something that's worth protecting! As long as you have that...that's enough! - Terra Branford, Final Fantasy VI Do you like Final Fantasy? Do you like to draw? Do you like art […]
Red in the Missile Room
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAJoin us for a night of intimate performances in the reverberant sonic environment at Human Resources, in celebration of the release of Jonathan Silberman’s new solo saxophone album Red in the Missile Room. Performances by: Jonathan Silberman Laura Steenberge Jake Rosenzweig Eric Kiersnowski About the performers: Jonathan Silberman will be performing solo on tenor saxophone. […]
JEFF (ZILLA) + ALICE (CUNT) Multi-Media & Junk Show
Friday, January 6th — Sunday, January 8th Doors at 7pm *Friday @ 7pm Performance by CXA + Jeff Zilla (9pm) *Saturday @ 7pm Performance by Gianna Gianna + Jeff Zilla (9pm) *Sunday @ 12pm Lounge / Free / Donation Gift Shop and Gallery Hours 12pm - 6pm
Malte Cornelius Jantzen / Lee Noble / Geneva Skeen
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAThree nights, three performances, third day of the month. Beginning January Third at Human Resources.
Elliot Reed Tour Kick-off 001: Vacuum
Tuesday, December 27th 7—11pm Vacuum an electrical appliance for cleaning carpets, floors, etc., by suction. a space not filled or occupied; emptiness; void: On the occasion of his forthcoming international tour, Elliot Reed is hosting a non-traditional tour kickoff. Working within the void of Human Resources, performers were invited to stage a piece that uses […]
Suspended Susto: A La Flor
Susupended Susto:A La Flor is a durational performance work focusing on the tumultuous feelings and thoughts of my queer brown body and its relationships to others.
Post-Election Policy Consequences on Marginalized Communities
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA6pm-8pm Panel and Discussion 8:30pm-10:30pm Performance Program Join Human Resources for a gathering of leading social justice scholars as they discuss post-election policy consequences on marginalized communities. Law and policy experts will address immigrant and refugee rights, racial justice, criminal justice reform, reproductive rights, marriage equality, LGBTQ rights and climate change. They will suggest ways […]
Rocket Rain موشک باران
The first solo exhibition of Iranian, Los Angeles-based artist and writer, Gelare Khoshgozaran. The exhibition borrows its title from the second chapter of the Iran-Iraq War, known as “The War of the Cities” that Iranians refer to and remember as موشک باران mooshak-baran: “Rocket Rain.”
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAFestival and Showcase dedicated to L.A.-based female artists working in Video Art and related technologies.
Hesse Press: Mata / Matt Lifson Book Release Party
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAIn celebration of the release of two new books by Hesse Press: Matt Lifson "Sleep With Me And A Ghost" and Mata "No Drums No DJs No Saturdays" Performances by: WHITE GOLD (LA; Phil Blankenship & John Wiese) UNICA (LA; Maria Garcia & Nial Morgan) CARMINA ESCOBAR TAMAKI UEDA + ELDEN M Paintings by Matt […]
PR Showcase: Rachel Mason, Wizard Apprentice, Julius Smack, Restlust
Practical Records is pleased to present a showcase featuring performances by Rachel Mason, Wizard Apprentice, Julius Smack, and Restlust. The performers will be performing alongside works by artists Bailey Hikawa, Emily Lucid, and Brian Getnick to expand and question the dynamics between visual art and music in an ephemeral context. The event celebrates Rachel Mason’s new cassette Das […]
Open Reading in Solidarity
Veggie Cloud 5210 Monte Vista St, Los Angeles, CAHuman Resources, Poetic Research Bureau, and Veggie Cloud invite you to an open reading this Sunday the 13th, starting at 5pm and going till late, at VEGGIE CLOUD: 5210 Monte Vista St, 90042. This will be an informal, open forum for poetry, prose, dialogue, and information exchange about the current political situation. Implication for media makers, and local organizing to be discussed. Write something, or bring anything else you'd […]
(de) Color-Es / Primera Generación Dance Collective
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA(de) Color-Es is an event that seeks to cultivate community amongst artists of color of first (and second) generational experience in the United States through the coalition of art. Beyond the artist, (de) Color-Es is designed to revel within el desmadre (messiness) that is being an artist of color new to this country, to spaces, […]
BODY TECHNIQUE: Waverly Mandel, Rin Johnson, Juri Onuki and Si Istwa
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAIN THE AGE OF DISEMBODIED COMMUNICATION, THE MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE AND EXPERIENCE OF THE BODY IS UTTERLY TRANSFORMED AND DISTORTED. - Eric McLuhan BODY TECHNIQUE is a program of performance that elaborates on the theme of communication and it’s relationship to the body. Works include: Body Technique (Reasons For Sex A - Z) by Waverly […]
FUPU (Fuck You Pay Us)
Doors at 8PM FUPU at 8:30 SHARP $5 OBO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fMz6kF6D7M
Jack Smith Rushes
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAJack Smith scholar Josh Lubin-Levy will introduce never-before-seen 8mm film rushes and improvised compositions, featuring Mario Montez, Tally Brown and Smith, alongside his short film ‘I Was A Male Yvonne DeCarlo’ (1967 - 1970s). Ranging from the late 1960s to the late 1970s, the featured films present a glimpse into significant period of Smith’s career […]
Spirit Quest: L.A. Premiere
Spirit Quest: L.A. Premiere November 5 7pm-9pm Los Angeles premiere of Spirit Quest, a movie by Colin Read. Free admission. A journey through nature, time, and space. Featuring Jimmy Lannon, Quim Cardona, Marty Murawski, Bobby Worrest, Zach Lyons, Jesse Narvaez, Vincent Touzery, Ryan Barlow, Matt Town, Leo Gutman, Taylor Nawrocki, Carlos Young, Alex Fogt, Chris Jones, Connor Kammerer, […]
John Wiese: Battery Instruments
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CABATTERY INSTRUMENTS • 4-channel video/4-channel sound (2016 version) *Debut • 4-channel video/2-channel sound (2012 version) • 8-channel sound (2009 version) Open from noon to 9pm. Reception from 7 to 9pm. Free Editions available at the event. More info TBA. The cinema of ‘pure means’: John Wiese’s Battery Instruments as history lesson. Bruce Russell John […]
Dorian Wood + String Quartet : A Dios
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAOf us, repeatedly staring down into the precipice of fleeting consciousness; of milk and lust; of the breadth of celebrity death...an evening of music by Dorian Wood and conductor/arranger Danny Graziani, with art direction by Eduardo Alvarez (director of Wood's video "O"). "A fearless artist and performer whose voice inhabits a room like a choir of ghosts" […]
Southland Ensemble: John Cage 1975-77
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAA program that explores three compositions by John Cage from the mid to late 1970’s - Child of Tree, Cheap Imitation and Renga. These three works range from iconic (Child of Tree) to rarely performed (Renga), and feature three of Cage’s primary notational styles - text, graphic, and traditionally notated - yet are all equally pioneering […]
Keywords for Radicals: L.A. Launch and Discussion
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAIn Keywords (1976), Raymond Williams devised a "vocabulary" of culture and society that reflected the vast social transformations marking the post-war period. Following Williams, Keywords for Radicals asks: what vocabulary might illuminate the social transformations marking our own contested present? How do these words shape the political imaginary of today’s radical left? Bringing together the […]
Robert Beatty • John Wiese/Mitchell Brown • Smokey Emery
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAlive in concert ROBERT BEATTY JOHN WIESE / MITCHELL BROWN SMOKEY EMERY donate eight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Robert Beatty (Lexington, Kentucky) Concurrent to crushing noise-rock norms and jockeying shattered electronics in Hair Police, Robert Beatty has – over a decade and a half – also cut a solo path of pulses […]
Seduction of a Cyborg
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAExhibition Dates: October 7-23, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday, October 8, 7-10pm Seduction of a Cyborg explores intimacy, sex, and desire as related to technocratic fantasies of futurity, (re)production of bodies, and fractured selfhood in the digital age. The fictional and the virtual intersect, exposing narratives that activate, transform, and deconstruct our understanding of the networked and […]
Jakob Brugge
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CALaoshou Mountain in southwestern China was quarried for more than two decades. Shortly after the quarry's closure, the Funnin County Forestry department decided to reconcile the barren mountainside with its surrounding foliage. The conclusion they reached was to paint the mountain. Workers sprayed the section of land a bright, vaguely chemical green, tracing the exact […]
Lina Hermsdorf “A Biologically Immortal Living Being Can Still Die”
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAPerformed by Henry Babbage Performance September 27th, 8pm Exhibition on view from September 28th—2nd October (12pm-6pm daily) Hydras never die of old age. In the ancient Greek myth, the Hydra is a multi-headed serpent, with a specific organic talent. As soon as one of its heads is decapitated, the serpent regenerates the missing body part. Hydra […]
Noon Tran & Hannah Mjølsnes: Road River Gust
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAAfter driving for hundreds of miles, past mountains, cliffs, boulders, and gravel dust, you will find a field of white dunes surrounded by blue mountains. Currents of wind move through this landscape, continuously shaping and rearranging it. When lakes and rivers dried out due to climate changes, the wind swept up the exposed bottom sediment […]
Marisa J. Futernick “13 Presidents” Book launch and artist’s talk, in conversation with Steve Kado
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAIn 2014, Marisa J. Futernick drove nearly ten thousand miles across America, visiting all thirteen of the country's Presidential libraries along the way. 13 Presidents is the result: an artist's book that combines photographs from the journey with a suite of short stories. Mixing fact and fiction, each President from Herbert Hoover to George W. […]
9/11 Fifteen Years
9/11 Fifteen Years A one-night exhibition happening on the fifteen year anniversary of September 11, 2001. A paradigm shift. Airplanes as weapons. America attacked. In the immediate aftermath, we saw people rush to hospitals to donate blood, and strangers talking on the street to figure out what was going on. People wanted to help. But, […]
Break It Down: Art and Resistance
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAAn evening of art, community and celebration to benefit Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB).
Internet Discount Bedroom 2
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAOpening Saturday, September 3rd at 9pm, the exhibition will be on view for the duration of 24 hours, closing Sunday, September 4th at 9pm. Contributing artists include: Matt Damhave, Emma Kohlmann, Dennis Wornick, Shay Semple, Suzanna Zak, Cali Thornhill DeWitt, Madison East, Elijah Funk, Taylor Doran and ”Prank Line" from Local Outreach (Van Robinson & […]
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAChoreography: Kevin Williamson
In collaboration with performers: Barry Brannum, Jasmine Jawato, Kevin Le
Score: Jeepneys (Anna Luisa Petrisko)
Video Art: Cari Ann Shim Sham*
Lighting Design: Katelan Braymer
Pehrspace Benefit: Signor Benedick the Moor, Dream Panther, Amir Says Nothing, DJs Margot Pauline and Micah James
bring your friends so we can dance -------------------------------------------------- Signor Benedick the Moor Dream Panther Amir Says Nothing DJ Margot Pauline DJ Micah James Thank you, D Wing for getting it all together! $5-$10, all ages.
AFFECT: NETWORK: TERRITORY (A performance of syllogisms in motion)
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAAugust 10th and 11th, 8pm sharp
Performer: JOSH JOHNSON (Forsythe Company, Sad for No Reason)
Score : VIOLENCE Olin Caprison (http://soundcloud.com/vilentsiolence)
Lighting: NATHAN AZHDERIAN (Juliette Jongma gallery NL)
Dramaturgy: KANDIS WILLIAMS (http://www.kandiswilliams.com/)
With(n)essing in Motion Workshop
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAVisual artist Kandis Williams and dancer Josh Johnson (Forsythe company, Sad for No Reason) will guide a group of participants through screenings and movement exercises that will excavate the space between affective moving bodies and documentation.
Tita Salina & Irwan Ahmett: Ring of Fire/Pacific Rim (Screening and Q&A)
Human Resources LA 410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CAScreening of short video pieces by Irwan Ahmett and Tita Salina, Jakarta-based artists who have been working together since 2010. Their tactical, interventionist approach to social issues frequently plays itself out in public space, and translate into spontaneously unfolding events through a spontaneous and self-organized approach that they describe as Urban Play. In the last […]
Nikki Darling – Temple of the Dawg
An exhibition of art therapy works by Nikki Darling, Temple of The Dawg includes 26 works on paper and a video installation.
The Stars Down to Earth
Screening, with a short introduction, Q&A with Tashi Condelee, Afia Fields, Margaret Hains & others.
Southland Ensemble presents: Soundings
Southland Ensemble presents a concert of music from the early issues of Soundings Press, an important and influential journal of experimental music published by composer Peter Garland from 1971- 1990.
Apeirophobia / Aporia
Organized by Sohrab Mohebbi and Miljohn Ruperto, With: Michel Auder, Julie Becker, David Bernstein, Jennifer Bolande, Cliff Borress, Quynh Dong, Shahab Fotouhi, Ulrik Heltoft, Joel Holmberg, Hassan Khan, Laura Owens, Maria Taniguchi, Asha Schechter, Dineo Seshee Bopape, Alice Wang, Brent Watanabe
Friends Series #5: Alice Wang and Luke Fischbeck
LACA 2245 E Washington Blvd , Los Angeles, CAA discussion that takes as its starting point, and as a periodic interruption, the idea of a sound fossil—a material index of acoustic activity, or a way of accessing past or future time through a perpetual sonic present.
Exit Interview
Group exhibition highlighting the dialogic dimension of two years of thinking and working in relation to one another. Acknowledging the paradoxical quality of institutionalized art education, the show is conceived as a field of interferences and counterpoints, the aftermath of a vital encounter and commitment to critical discourse.
DAD DAD DAD is a three-channel collaborative video installation by Maura Brewer and Paul Pescador that takes Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining as a site of analysis. This film will screen for one day only on Father’s Day.
Sandy Ewen / Lucas Gorham • Ted Byrnes / William Hutson • Kathleen Kim / Bill Nace
LACA 2245 E Washington Blvd , Los Angeles, CAThree duos - music at LACA
LFZ / OFFING / Odeya Nini / r.r. barbadas
LACA 2245 E Washington Blvd , Los Angeles, CAMusic at LACA by LFZ (Sean Smith), OFFING (Chris Duncan), Odeya Nini, r.r. barbadas (Rona Rapadas & Robbee Barber)
The Distance Plan – Climate and Infrastructure
The Distance Plan: Climate and Infrastructure brings together work by 10 practitioners whose works address major infrastructural forms of the present—energy generation, digital frameworks and mass transport networks—in relationship to future alternatives.
REHEARSAL: Song of Eurydice
Song of Eurydice is a choral / movement piece that re-envisions the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice as a call to marginalized artists. REHEARSAL, founded in 2011, is a works-in-progress performance series in which one artist or group shares their work with the opportunity to hear back from their audience.
Too Much Information
Please join CLOSING for a week of presentations that invite 8 artists to play with form of public address and take on the task of communicating a substantial amount of information to an audience.
Decolonize LA – QT*POC RUN
This is run is open for Queer Trans* People of Color to address issues around (dis)placement we may face in our neighborhood, communities, spirit cultivating spaces, families, etc. We will run around 5 miles in displaced communities of Chinatown, Echo Park & Chavez Ravine.
Works by Seniors in the Visual Arts program at L.A. County High School for the Arts. Opening Reception: Fri, May 20 5:30 - 8:30pm with gallery hours Sat, May 21 noon-5pm